General Knowledge (GK) MCQs for SPSC, FPSC and other Exams - Testtiari Online

Most Repeated General Knowledge (GK) MCQs for CCE, SPSC, FPSC and other Exams - Testtiari Online

In Pakistan, a goal of getting a job can be achieved through Sindh Public Service Commission (SPSC), Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC), Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC), IBA SIBA Testing Service (STS) and more.

Therefore, We have decided to share most repeated General Knowledge (GK) MCQs from SPSC CCE, FPSC, PPSC, IBA STS and more. 
General Knowledge is said to be the most important subject to qualify for any job test because it is one of the mandatory sections in the exam test paper. 

Most Repeated General Knowledge (GK) MCQs from SPSC, CCE and FPSC Past Papers 

Here are the most Repeated General Knowledge (GK) MCQs from SPSC, CCE and FPSC Past Papers. 

We have divided most repeated General Knowledge (GK) MCQs in SIX Parts for the easiness of the students.
This blog post lies under category named "General Knowledge (GK) MCQs" where we share MCQs related to General Knowledge (GK) only.

Most Repeated GK MCQs: Part-01

The students who are preparing for job tests are advised to study GK MCQs in different parts. Here are some MCQs which are included in first part of Most Repeated General Knowledge (GK) MCQs from SPSC, CCE and FPSC Past Papers.

ICC headquarters is in: 
Ans: UAE

1st cricket world cup played in: 
Ans: 1975 England 

Longest River: 
Ans: River Nile

Total players in Basketball game are: 
Ans: 09

Longest bridge in world: 
Ans: China

Height of Zam Zam well is: 
Ans: 98ft 

When USA hit atom bomb on Japan: 
Ans::6 and 9 August 1945 on Hiroshima Nagasaki

Wall of Berlin built on: 
Ans: 13 August 1961

Bulb invented by: 
Ans: Edison

Water in human body: 
Ans: 65%

Longest planet 
Ans: Jupiter

Quaid e Azam became president of Muslim League in: 
Ans: 1913

Pakistan sent artificial satellite in space: 
Ans: 1990 Badr 1

Muhammad Bin Qasm came to Sindh at the age of: 
Ans: 17

Most played game:
Ans: Football

Europe Union joint Currency:
Ans: Euro

Number of Dog teeth: 
Ans: 42

Most Repeated General Knowledge (GK) MCQs from SPSC, CCE and FPSC Past Papers

Camel lived without water: 
Ans: 17 days 

Honey Bee have ____ eyes: 
Ans: 05

Baluchistan became province: 
Ans: 1973 

First Commercial Bank of Pakistan: 
Ans: HBL

First Marshal Law: 
Ans: 1956

First president who came to Pakistan: 
Ans: Iran

Total bones in Human: 
Ans: 206 

Human heart average weight: 
Ans: 11 Ounce

Precious metal: 
Ans: Platinum 

Ans: 1757

Kamal Ata Turk died: 
Ans: 1938 

1st Asian games played: 
Ans: 1978

Shah Wali Ullah died: 
Ans: 20 August 1762 

Indonesia got independence in: 
Ans: 1945 from Netherland

Ireland currency name: 
Ans: Euro 

Pakistan became member of UNO: 
Ans: 30 September 1947 

1st Chief Justice of Pakistan: 
Ans: Sir Ab Rasheed 

AJK State Subject issued in: 
Ans: 20 April 1927 

Russia veto Kashmir issue in: 
Ans: 1962 

K2 height: 
Ans: 8611m 

Warsak dam built on which river: 
Ans: Kabul 

Which country 1st hoist Pakistani flag: 
Ans: France 

First Foreign Minister of Pakistan 
Ans: Sir Zafrullah 

Ans: 1905 

Pakistan 1st constitution: 
Ans: 1956

Most Repeated GK MCQs: Part-02 

The students who are preparing for job tests are advised to study GK MCQs in different parts. Here are some MCQs which are included in second part of Most Repeated General Knowledge (GK) MCQs from SPSC, CCE and FPSC Past Papers.

Most Repeated GK MCQs

Transparency international
Ans: Berlin

Amnesty international
Ans: London

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was formed in: 
Ans: 1958

Currency of Qatar is: 
Ans: Riyal 
The 6th organ, "Trusteeship Council"  of UN suspended operation on: 
Ans: November 01, 1994, with the independence of Palau. 

Ariana is the Airline of: 
Ans: Afghanistan

The OIC was founded in
Ans: Morocco
First Afghan war: 
Ans: 1839

Pakistan standard time was suggested by: 
Ans: Professor Muhammad Anwar

Pakistan's First coin issued: 
Ans: 3rd January 1948.

Most Repeated GK MCQs Part: 03

The students who are preparing for job tests are advised to study GK MCQs in different parts. Here are some MCQs which are included in third part of Most Repeated General Knowledge (GK) MCQs from SPSC, CCE and FPSC Past Papers.

COVID -19 stands for?
Ans: Corona Virus Disease 2019

COVID -19 started from Which?
Ans: China

When First Corona Virus case Reported in the World?
Ans: 31 Dec 2019.

When Was First Corona Virus Patient Died in the World?
Ans: 11 Jan 2020

When Was first case of Corona Virus Reported outside China?
Ans: 13 Jan 2020

Where was the First Corona Virus Case Reported Outside China?
Ans: Japan

When was First Corona Virus Patient Died Outside China?
Ans: 2 Feb 2020.

Where First Corona Virus Patient Died Outside China?
Ans: Philippines 

When Was First Corona Virus Case Reported in USA?
Ans: 20 Jan 2020

When First Corona Virus Patient Died in USA ?
Ans: 29 Feb 2020

When Was First Corona Virus Case Reported in Pakistan?
Ans: 26 feb 2020

When Was First Corona Virus Case Patient died in Pakistan?
Ans: 18 March 2020

When First Corona Virus Case Reported in Africa Continent?
Ans: 28 Feb 2020.

Where First Corona Virus Case Reported in Africa Continent?
Ans: Nigeria.

Which Of Following Diseases are Related to COVID-19?

SARS stands for?
Ans: Severe Accute Respiratory

When WHO Declare Novel Corona Virus to COVID -19?
Ans: 11 feb 2020.

When WHO Declare Novel Corona Virus to Pandemic Disease?
Ans: 11 March 2020.

How Long Does it take for Symptoms of the Corona Virus Disease to Appear? 
Ans: 5-6 Days

How many Different human Corona Viruses there?
Ans: Six

Most Repeated GK MCQs Part: 04

The students who are preparing for job tests are advised to study GK MCQs in different parts. Here are some MCQs which are included in fourth part of Most Repeated General Knowledge (GK) MCQs from SPSC, CCE and FPSC Past Papers.

  1. Gibraltar is known as: Smallest Colony 
  2. Which country has oldest anthem of world - Japan 
  3. Which is the largest of animals: Blue whale 
  4. Lowest populous Muslim country is: Maldives (area wise also) 
  5. Largest Muslim country area wise: Kazakhstan 
  6. Largest Muslim country population wise: Indonesia 
  7. Muslim country with highest per capital income: Kuwait 
  8. Quaid-e-Azam's mother tongue was: Gujrati 
  9. Which SAARC Member Country has largest Literacy Rate: Sri Lanka 
  10. Manchar lake situated in: Jamshoro
  11. What name is given to the programs run by a computer, as opposed to the hardware: Software 
  12. Which is known as City of Skyscrapers: New York 
  13. World environment day is on: 5th June 
  14. The largest planet is: Jupiter 
  15. Where the biggest Salt Mine located in Pakistan: Mangora 
  16. The most beautiful stone-Marble is extracted from which province of Pakistan: NWFP 
  17. In which country are the headquarters of the multinational company Nestle: Switzerland 
  18. Which is the national flower of Pakistan: Jasmine 
  19. What is the standard monetary unit of Turkey: Lira 
  20. The Second largest city of Pakistan is: Lahore

Most Repeated GK MCQs Part: 05

Most Repeated General Knowledge (GK) MCQs for CCE, SPSC, FPSC and other Exams - Testtiari Online Part 5 MCQs are given below.
  1. Largest automobile manufacturing center in the world is in: Detroit 
  2. Largest postal network in the world is in: India 
  3. The first railway line was laid in: England 
  4. Largest man made canal in the world is: Suez Canal 
  5. Longest optical fiber cable of the world is landed between: London and new York 
  6. Who produced the first Automobile: Henry Furd 
  7. World's freest economy with lowest taxes: Hong Kong 
  8. World's largest nuclear power station is situated in: Canada 
  9. World's largest uranium producer is: Canada
  10. World's largest paper producer is: USA
  11. Lowest per capita income in South Asia is of: Nepal 
  12. First country to impose ban on sale of all forms of tobacco: Singapore 
  13. Largest artificial lake of world is in Zambia and Zimbabwe: Kariba Lake 
  14. First Muslim Woman Judge in America: Charlene Mekled 
  15. World's first stock exchange market is: Hamburg 
  16. World's largest under sea railway tunnel is between: France and England 
  17. Which country first gave women a right to vote in 1893: Newzealand 
  18. World's largest irrigation canal is: Indira Gandhi Canal 
  19. Largest producer of diamond in world is: Botswana 
  20. Largest railway station of the world is: Grand Central Terminal, New York

Most Repeated GK MCQs Part: 06

Most Repeated General Knowledge (GK) MCQs for CCE, SPSC, FPSC and other Exams - Testtiari Online MCQs part 6 are here. 

  1. Which is the university with tallest building in world: Moscow State University 
  2. The longest canal of the world is: Beloye More (in Baltic sea) 
  3. Area wise the largest city of the world is: Kiruna - in Sweden - 8732 sq km 
  4. Largest delta of the world is: Sundarbans 
  5. Largest museum of the world is: British Museum 
  6. Saltiest sea of the world is: Mediterranean Sea 
  7. Coldest place of the world is: Vostok Antarctica 
  8. Driest place of the world is: Death Valley (California) 
  9. Smallest part of the matter discovered by Scientists: Quark 
  10. Longest platform of the world is: The Loop USA
  11. Which is the least populous city of the world: Vatican 
  12. Smallest republic is Nauru and its population is: 10,000 persons (area 2129 hectares) 
  13. Largest concrete dam of world is in USA its name is: Grand Coulee Dam 
  14. Rohunsky Dam is the highest dam in the world located in: Tajikistan 
  15. World's oldest parliament is of:  Iceland 
  16. Largest airport of the world is: King Abdul Aziz International Airport 
  17. Which is world's busiest airport: Chicago O'Hare International Airport 
  18. Airport located at the highest altitude is: Lhasa Airport 4363 meter height 
  19. Which is the largest railway station in world: Grand Central Terminal - New York 
  20. World's highest railway station is: Condor Station Bolivia

Most Repeated GK MCQs Part: 07

Part-07 of the Most Repeated General Knowledge (GK) MCQs for CCE, SPSC, FPSC and other Exams - Testtiari Online is given below.
  1. Angel Falls the world's highest water fall is in: Venezuela 
  2. Deepest lake in the world is: Lake Baikal- Russia (Siberia) 
  3. Area with the least sunshine is: South Pole 
  4. Area of Asian continent is: 4,38,20,000 sq km 
  5. Which is the deepest sea in the world: Caribbean 
  6. Largest lake of the world is: Caspian Sea 
  7. Largest penininsula of the world is: Arabian peninsula 32,37,500 sq km 
  8. River Nile falls in which sea: Mediterranean Sea 
  9. Which is the most populous city in the world: Shanghai 
  10. Which is the most densely populated city of the world: Manila
  11. Allama Iqbal delivered his famous address at Allahabad in: 1930 
  12. Author of "Paradise Lost & Paradise Regained" was: John Milton 
  13. First Muslim woman who went to space by Russian Aircraft: Anousheh Ansari - 18th September 2006 
  14. Country with the largest area in world: Russia 
  15. Which river in the world carries maximum volume of water: Amazon 
  16. Longest canal in the world is: Beloye More Baltic 
  17. Which is the smallest country in the world: Vatican city 
  18. Which is the world's largest mountain range: Andes 
  19. Largest producer of silk is: China 
  20. Largest oil refinery is located at: Jamnagar Refinery- India

Sindh Public Service Commission (SPSC) CCE Most Repeated MCQs from Past Papers

After sharing most repeated General Knowledge (GK) MCQs from SPSC, FPSC and other Exams, we are moving further and going to share Sindh Public Service Commission (SPSC) CCE Most Repeated MCQs from Past Papers.

What plants exhale at night:
Ans: Carbon Dioxide 

Velocity of sound:
Ans: 343 m/sec

Which vitamin is not stored in human body? Ans: Vitamin C

Take of vitamin C create which disease: 
Ans: Skin Disease 

Which Vitamin help blood clotting? 
Ans: Vitamin K

The founder of Muslim Rule in India? 
Ans: Qutub-ud-din Abek 

Razia Sultana belong to? 
Ans: Slave Dynasty 

Second battle of panipat fought b/w: 
Ans: Akbar V/S Himu Baikal

Attock fort was constructed by: 
Ans: Akbar 

Mancher lake situated in: 
Ans: Dadu 

Pakistan number among world population? 
Ans: 6th 

Share of Punjab among area of pakistan is: 
Ans: 25% 

The length of Khyber Pass: 
Ans: 53KM

The Uranium Resources found in pakistan: 
Ans: D.G khan 

Mostly Part of Gobi desert found in: 
Ans: Mangolia 

Taklamakan desert found in: 
Ans: Xinjaning china 

Longest River of the world is: 
Ans: Nile 

Largest sea of the world: 
Ans: South China Sea 

Largest coastal boundary country: 
Ans: Canada 

Brazil situated in: 
Ans: South America 

Which country is peninsula: 
Ans: Saudi Arabia 

Pakistan situates on which line?
Ans: NON

Macmohan line is situated between: 
Ans: India and China 

Who is david patrias?
Ans: American General in Afghanistan 

01 Meter is equal to: 
Ans: 3.28 foot 

Caspian Sea makes his boundaries with Iran, Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan. 

Largest agency among area in pakistan? 
Ans: South Waziristan 

Old name of iraq? 
Ans: Mesopotamia 

Blood is Red due to: 
Ans: Haemoglobin 

Mariana Trench situated near: 
Ans: Philpines 

The Headquarter of Ghandhara Civilization is: 
Ans: Taxila 

Head Quarter of SAARC is situated at:  
Ans: Kathmandu 

Maximum wool producing country is: 
Ans: Australia 

The Official Religion of Japan is: 
Ans: Shintoism 

Which element used for producing nuclear fuel? 
Ans: Uranium 

How many Rukku are there 30th Paaraa of Quran: 
Ans: 39 Rukku

Which is less conductor? 
Ans: (A) Iron (B) Copper (C) Silver (D) Wood 
My answer was wood but not satisfied 

Nigara fall lies between: 
Ans: U.S.A and Canada 

Which is smallest country of world among area (A) Maldeeve 
(B) Malta 
(C) San marino 
(D) Bahrain

Holy prophet pbuh appoited governer of yeman for collection zakat: 
Ans: Hazrat Muaz Bin Jabal 

Who many times zakat mention in quran? 
Ans: 32 times 

Which sura gives details among zakat receiver? 
Ans: Sura Tuba 

Firstt wahi at:
Ans: Cave Hira 

When zakat declared made mandatory: 
Ans: 2 Hijra 

Light of sun reach in earth 8.5 Minutes 

Headquarter of ILO situated in: 
Ans: Geneva 

Muslim League name was purposed by? 
Ans: Nawab Saleem Ullah Khan of Dahaka 

Jaundice is disturb of which part of body: 
Ans: Liver 

Quaid-e-Azam leave congress due to non-coperative moment by: 
Ans: Gandhi 

Theory of relativety is presented by? 
Ans: Einstein 

What is Cash Crop? 
Ans: which not cultivated for own use 

Artificial cultivated area give amount ushr equal to:
Ans: 1/20 

If a person obtained something from underground the amount of: 
Ans: Zakat Aplicable 1/5 

Zakat among goat applicable on: 
Ans: 40 goats 

Amount of zakat among gold silver and similar things: 
Ans: 2.5 % 

Zakat ordinance promulgated on: 
Ans: 20 june 1980 

According to section 17 tauluqa committee is equal to: 
Ans: Tehsil committee 

Dasman palace is residence of: 
Ans: Ameer Kwait 

Porcelain tower is present in:
Ans: China 

Cartography is the study of: 
Ans: Secret Writting 

Founder of Scout movement: 
Ans: Robert Baden-Powell 

Elysee palace is the residence of: 
Ans: French President 

Second largest population in Afghanistan? 
Ans: Tajik 

Worldwide spread disease is called? 
Ans: Epidemic 

Zakat year ends on?
Ans: 30 shaban 

Governor appointe chief administer with the consult with: 
Ans: Federal Government 

Administerator general appointed by 
Ans: President 

The magnitude of earthquake is measured with? 
Ans: Richter Scale

Who forwarded the Lahore (Pakistan) Resolution? 
Ans: A.K fazlul haq 

The largest Muslim country according to area is? 
Ans: Kazakistan 

Who was known as the Man of Destiny? 
Ans: Nepolin Bonaparte

Adam's Peak is in? 
Ans: Sri Lanka 

According to the Zakat Ordinance Zakat arrears are collected by? 
Ans: Tehsildar 

Red Cross/Crescent Headquarters HQ is in?
Ans: Geneva 

Brain Drain is transfer of: 
Ans: Skilled labors 

Light year complete direction in: 
Ans: One Year (1 year)

Musician of Pakistan National Antham is: 
Ans: Ahmed gulami chagla 

First ushr receive in? 
Ans: 1982-83 Rabi Crop 

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