PPSC Three years English Past Paper Mcqs (2023,2022,2021)

PPSC Three years English Past Paper Mcqs (2023,2022,2021)

Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) is provincial commission body that conducts exams in Punjab Province. 

Previously, We uploaded PPSC Three years Past Paper MCQs in Pdf and today we are going to share Most Repeated English MCQs from PPSC Three years papers (2023,2022,2021). 

Here are Most repeated ENGLISH mcqs  that were repeated in PPSC (2021,22,23) Past Papers.                                                                                            

Conjecture Means? To guess 

Nonchalant Means? Dispassionate 

Synonym of cataclysm? Catastrophe 

Antonym of Economy? 

Synonym of Enigmatic? Puzzling 

Synonym of Infallible? Authentic 

Synonym of Transient? Fleeting 

Adversity means? Hardship 

Antonym of Abbreviate? Expand 

Antonym of Absurd? Rational 

Antonym of sublime? Low 

Antonym of Vilify? Commend 

Meaning of De Jure? By Law 

Synonym of Flimsy? Fragile 

Synonym of Detestable? Abhorrent 

“A bone of contention” means? Cause of Quarrel 

“Make away with” means? Depart in haste steal 

“House of cards” means? A weak structure 

“Helter-skelter” this idiom means? In disorderly confusion 

“Heat up” means? Angry and agitated 

Meaning of “A dark horse”? An unexpected winner 

“Kith and kin” means? Blood relation 

“to drive home” means? To emphasize a point 

Meaning of “Gift of gab”? Fluency of speech 

The idiom,” To take with pinch of salt” means? With some reservations 

“To pull strings” means? To tease someone 

“Empathy” means? The ability to understand and sharing to feeling others. 

Meaning of “Turncoat”? One who abandon his principles 

Meaning of “Diamond cuts diamond”? Retaliation 

“Viz a viz” means? That is to say 

The car in front is slowing down. 

Appreciation is to reward as crime is to punishment. 

Salma was ill with fever. 

I was angry about the way they reacted. 

There has been a complete break off of a law and order in the country. 

Truth is stronger than falsehood. 

I am intent to win. 

If I had worked hard, I would have succeeded. 

The new law came into effect last month. 

It became apparent that he was going to die. 

I do not have any confidant to share my secrets. 

The old man is blind in one eye. 

My brother is weak in English. 

I am not concerned with his affairs. 

Only six hundred people live in city. 

Alcohol is injurious to health. 

What is the route to London by air? 

He agreed to my proposal. 

Bravely is Adverb. 

Wealthy is Adjective. 

You must stick to your promise. 

Please send his letter to my address. 

He was meditating on the problem. 

I am confidant of winning. 

Last night thief broke into his house and stole a TV set. 

Mark use to resume a scattered subject is? Dash 

I was going once? Here once is Adverb. 

They have put speed bumps on the road to prevent accidents. 

After the concert, everyone rose and clapped. 

Honesty is the best policy. 

A large possession was taken out against rising prices. 

Cross your Bridges when you come to them. 

Swim is to fish as walk is to Man. 

Telescope is to eye as stethoscope is to Ear. 

She felt nervous when went on stage*

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