SPSC MCQs Mock Test | English, Pakistan Study, GK, Islamiat MCQs Quiz

SPSC MCQs Mock Test|English, Pakistan Study, GK, Islamiat MCQs Quiz

Are you preparing for the recent job opportunities by the Sindh Education Department for SST BPS-16 (Secondary School Teachers) announced through the Sindh public service Commission (SPSC)?
Here is the complete guide to get your desired job of Secondary School Teacher (SST) in Sindh Education Department. 


It can be difficult to prepare for a job test, but with a solid study strategy and persistent work, you can increase your chances of succeeding. The following advice will help you get ready for the SPSC SST BPS16 job test.

Understanding the exam pattern is the first step in being ready for any job test. Check to see what will be covered in each subject, how many questions there will be, and how much time will be allocated for each section.

What is the Test Pattern for SST General and SST Science?

Before going forward, we would like to discuss the SPSC SST Test Pattern announced by the Sindh Education Department.
Some candidates are not sure of the secondary School Teacher (SST) test pattern. Separate exams were given for the HST General and Science categories in the earlier tests, which were administered by IBA in 2007 and NTS in 2013. However, the SSTs policy, which stipulates that the test is the same for general and science categories, is also included in the recruiting policy for PSTs and JESTs in 2021.

A candidate will be required to answer 50% of questions from the General category (80% mother language, 20% English, and 10% Social Studies) and 50% of questions from the Science category (Biology, Chemistry, Math, Computer, and Physics).

Why is today's SST Mock Test important?

According to the syllabus of Sindh Public Service Commission (SPSC) Secondary School Teacher (SST) jobs, SST Test will be conducted in Two categories. 

SPSC has not announced anything officially but this is mentioned in the Sindh Education Policy. 

Therefore, We are preparing SST Mock Tests and SST General and Science Category notes according to the Sindh Education Policy.

SST General & Science Category Test Composition 

This page is useful for both SST General Category candidates and SST Science Category candidates, as English is compulsory for both SST General and SST Science category candidates.

SST General Test paper will be composed of General Knowledge MCQs, Pakistan Study MCQs, Islamiat and English MCQs that are included in today's SST Mock Test. 

Therefore, Today's SST Mock Test is important for both SST General and SST Science category candidates.

Today's Online Mock Test Syllabus

Today's Mock Test Quiz is prepared from following Subjects:
  • English (5-MCQs)
  • General Knowledge (15-MCQs)
  • Pakistan Study (15-MCQs)
  • Islamiat (15-MCQs)

This test is part of our SST Online Mock Test series. It is prepared from the Sindh Public Service Commission (SPSC) Past Papers. 

There are total 100 Marks and Students have to secure minimum 50 Marks to qualify the test.
Don't forget to share your Marks in the comments section.

SST HST Mock Test | English, Pakistan Study, GK, Islamiat MCQs | SST General & Science Category MCQs Notes

NOTE: Wait here, due to the large number of candidates the test is taking some time in loading.......

SPSC SST HST Mock Test | English, Pakistan Study, GK, Islamiat Mock Test MCQs with Answers

Here are Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) that are included in today's SST Mock Test.
After participating in above Online Mock Test, Students can check Right and Wrong Answers from here.

SPSC SST candidates are advised to write all Mock Test MCQs after completing Online Mock Tests.

English (5-MCQs)

1. synonym of word Luscious:

A. Loathe
B. Succulent
C. Abet
D. Unappetizing 

2. Write the synonym of “admonish”?

A. defeat
B. defend
C. destroy
D. counsel 

3. Synonym of predict is __________?

A. foretell
B. Prevent
C. Discover
D. None of these 

4. Antonym of DOCILE is _____________?

A. Pliable
B. Pliant
C. Quiet
D. Unyielding 

5. Antonym of DEXTEROUS is _____________?

A. Inexpert
B. Acute
C. Active
D. Able

General Knowledge (15-MCQs)

6. The world’s important agreement “NATO” (North Atlantic treaty) was signed in: 

A. 1941
B. 1949
C. 1945 

7. The Earth’s Oceanic water is divided into _________ oceans (or how many oceans are there in the world?).


8. Which country is building “Mars Science City” to develop technology to colonize Mars?

United States 

9. The World Wide Web (www) was invented by: 

Tim Berners-Lee
Bob Kahn
Steve Jobs
Bill Gates 

10. The first Nobel Prize was awarded in: 


11. The second-Largest Continent (by Area) of the World is: 

North America 

12. Which is the tallest tree in the world?

Mountain ash
Quindio wax palm
Yellow meranti 

13. Dynamite, an explosive, was invented by: 

Alexander Fleming

Alfred Nobel

Mikhail Kalashnikov

Wright brothers

14. The first person who entered into space was: 

Alan Shepard

Alexey Leonov

Neil Armstrong

Yuri Gagarin 

15. The first spacewalk was performed by: 

Alan Shepard

Alexey Leonov

Neil Armstrong

Yuri Gagarin 

16. The first space station was: 

Lunokhod 1


Salyut 1

International Space Station (ISS) 

17. Which of the following is a water-soluble vitamin?

Vitamin A

Vitamin C

Vitamin D 

Vitamin K 

18. The first spacecraft to land on the Moon was: 

Luna 1
Luna 3
Luna 6
Luna 9 

19. The world’s oldest surviving federation is: 

United States
Great Britain

20. “Netherlands” literally means: 

ideal location
lower countries
mouth of land
land of sun set

Pakistan Study (15-MCQs)

21. Pakistan introduced National Identity Card first time in:

(A) 1947
(B) 1965
(C) 1973
(D) 1980 

22. First female Governor of Sindh province is:

(A) Hina Rabaani
(B) Shereen Rehman
(C) Nasreen Jalil
(D) Salma Tasaduq 

23. Rohtas Fort, located near Jhelum, was build by:

(A) Shah Jahan
(B) Sher Shah Suri
(C) Aurengzeb
(D) None of these 

24. Baluchistan acquired the status of a province:

(A) 1935
(B) 1947
(C) 1956
(D) 1970 

25. which part of Punjab is famous for shisham timber Forests?

(A) Changa Manga
(B) Ala Chitta Range
(C) Murree Kohuta Range
(D) Mianwali and Kalabagh Range 

26. India revoked article 370 on:

(A) March 4 , 2019
(B) May 5, 2019
(C) August 5, 2019
(D) September 10, 2019 

27. Who was the first governor Of Sindh after Muhammad Bin Qasim?

(A) Yazid Bin Muhallab
(B) Zaid Bin Murwan
(C) Abdullah Bin Haris
(D) Habib Bin Muhallab 

28. The first recipient of Nishan-e-Haider in Pakistan was:

(A) Aziz Bhatti
(B) Shabbir
(C) Tufail Muhammad
(D) Raja Muhammad Sarwar 

29. In Hindu Kash mountains all passes connects Pakistan with?

(A) Iran
(B) China
(C) Afghanistan
(D) India 

30. Sindh was separated from Mumbai in:

(A) 1930
(B) 1933
(C) 1936
(D) 1940 

31. Durand line was demarcated in:

(A) 1890
(B) 1891
(C) 1892
(D) 1893 

32. The Basic democracy system was introduced by:

(A) Bhutto
(B) Zia Ul Haq
(C) Ayub Khan
(D) None of these 

33. After how many years Pakistan’s national anthem was re-recorded?

(A) 40 years
(B) 48 years
(C) 60 years
(D) 68 years 

34. After how many years Pakistan was successful in framing a constitution:

(A) 5 years
(B) 7 years
(C) 9 years
(D) 11 years 

35. After which amendment FATA was officially merged with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa?

(A) 23rd
(B) 24rth
(C) 25th
(D) 26th

Islamiat (15-MCQs)

36. Masjid-e-Khief is located in:_________?

A. Muzdilifa
B. Arafaat
C. Minna
D. None of these 

37. Which Surah of the Qur’an contains the word Allah in every verse?

A. Surah Rehman
B. Surah Mujadilah
C. Surah Muhammad
D. None of these 

38. The study of Religions is called:___________?

A. Seismology
B. Theology
C. Gerontology
D. Etymology 

39. Which of the following is called Mashar al-Haram: 

(A) Arafat
(B) MIna
(C) Muzdalifah
(D) Makkah 

40. Which Sahabi was known as “Brain of Arab”?

A. Hazrat Umar Farooq
B. Hazrat Khalid bin Walid
C. Hazrat Amr bin Al-Aas
D. Hazrat Ameer Hamza 

41. Who Changed the Capital from Medina to Kufa:

(A) Prophet Muhammad
(B) Hazrat Ali R.A
(C) Hazrat Muawiya
(D) None of these 

42. Which term is used as the longest verse (Ayah) of the Holy Qura’an?

(A) Ayat-e- Mudayana
(B) Ayat-e- Muhahala
(C) Ayat-e- Madina
(D) None of these 

43. During Which prayer, the change of Qibla happened?

A. Fajar
B. zuhr
C. Asar
D. Magrib 

44. In Torat by which name Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) was called________?

A. Muhammad
B. Farooq
C. Tayyab
D. Ahmed 

45. What was the number of clauses of Charter of Madina?

A. 45
B. 46
C. 47 √
D. 48 

46. The dead body of Muslim male is wrapped in three sheets, female is coffined in how many sheets ? 

A. Three Sheets
B. Four Sheets
C. Five Sheets
D. Seven Sheets 

47. Holy Prophet (SAWS) laboured in the construction of which mosque?

A. Masjid-e-Nabvi
B. Masjid-e-Haram
C. Masjid-e-Quba
D. Masjid-e-Qiblatein 

48. The only Sahaba (companion) to be mentioned by name in the Quran is:

(A) Zaid bin Haris R.A
(B) Zaid bin Sabit R.A
(C) Usman bin Affan R.A
(D) None of these 

49. Which book is called the old testament?

(A) Torait
(B) Injeel
(C) Zuboor
(D) None of these 

50. What was the name of town in Israel which was the home of Hazrat Issa (A.S) in his youth?

A. Tal Aviv
B. Haifa
C. Safed
D. Nazareth

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